'Haley Topp | HighBall 2019 Battelle Costume Couture Fashion Show Designers'

'Haley Topp | HighBall 2019 Battelle Costume Couture Fashion Show Designers'
01:49 Sep 19, 2021
'Haley Topp is a recent graduate of Kent State University’s Fashion School. Topp focuses on sustainability and turning what many consider trash into treasure. She truly believes that changes need to be made within the fashion industry starting from the top so that everyone can have a planet to live on. As a result, Topp focuses on zero-waste patterning and transformable garments as well as knitting. She worked all through college in the theatre department making costumes. Recently she showed part of her collection in South Korea, and will be going to London Fashion Week in February 2020.' 

Tags: HighBall Halloween

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